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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

By the pricking of our thumbs...

... something Googley this way comes.

It's that time of year, when ghouls, goblins, and Zeitghosts roam Google in search of fresh human bandwidth. We hope you enjoy these Halloween photos from several of our offices, and wish you a safe -- but suitably scary -- celebration.

And if you're looking to plot that perfect trick-or-treat route, might we recommend the My Maps feature on Google maps? You can even tag videos and pictures from your spooky night, highlighting your favorite stops. If you like seeing our ghoulish get-ups, you can use Picasa Web Albums to share yours with kindred costumed spirits.

Now get out there and enjoy All Hallow's Eve.

Ingrid Coronado (Galeria 1)

Revista H para Hombres y TV Azteca

Otras fotos:

Happy Halloween!

Okay, so I am going to take a quick break from our regular programming to show you the 80s Cafe (aka the Girls and Guy of The Office)! We decided as a group that our theme this year would be 80s, and the one instigator of the theme decided to NOT dress up! (yes, you, Kim!) But here is everyone else - I hope you get a giggle!

From Left to Right: Shea, Me, John and Brandy

Gotta love Shea's blue eye make up and her side pony and crimped hair! It's totally bitchin' dude!

Brandy with her knee high socks, rainbow eye make up, nails each a different color, her hair has streaks of gold along with several braids- her layers of cloths, yeah, there are no words!

Yup, this totally radical chick is moi! I have on black pumps with white scrunchy socks, black leggings my amazingly bodacious gold belt, neon pink hair which is sprayed to the max, and in a banana clip! (can I just tell ya, that blue eye make up is really hard to do!)

We are one totally tubular group! Don't ya think!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tattoosday Doldrums

Autumn has come to New York and the tattoos have all but disappeared. Despair not, oh readers of this blog, there is hope.

To the woman I met outside of Rite Aid with the rose tattoo on her ankle that she said din't mean anything, I'm curious to hear about the tattoo on your arm, hidden last Sunday, which you want to get removed. You said there's a good story behind it. Please e-mail me.

To the woman at Duane Reade in Penn Station who sold me the Advil Cold & Sinus, I hope you're reading this and will participate in Tattoosday so I can get the story (and photo) of the ink on your wrist.

Alas, we fired a woman today at work who I had hoped to ask about the tattoo on her leg. My friend at Starbucks with the pine trees on her arm, commemorating her homesickness for Michigan, has transferred to a different location, unknown to me.

There are two co-workers who are prepared to offer me their tattoos for the blog. Patience, dear readers, and tomorrow is Halloween and it's supposed to be warmer.

I also have a New York Marathon post planned for next Sunday. 30,000+ runners will be zipping by me at the corner of 92nd Street and 4th Avenue in Brooklyn. How many tattoos will I capture?

I will leave you today with a pre-Halloween shot, a candid I snapped on the streets of Manhattan back in August, when I was a timid Tattoosday blogger.

I don't know the story. I don't know anything, except that it's a pretty cool black tattoo.

Plasma vs LCD

Con la televisión analógica predominaron por muchos años las pantallas de tubo de rayos catódicos (CRT) y los televisores de pantallas de proyección. Con el surgimiento de la televisión digital de alta definición (HDTV) se popularizaron de la misma manera las tecnologías orientadas para tal estándar, como son las pantallas de plasma (plasma display panel o PDP) y las de cristal líquido (liquid crystal display o LCD). Para la televisión de alta definición se requieren pantallas con una resolución mínima de 1,280 x 720 pixeles y ambas tecnologías lo cumplen. El plasma (o gas ionizado) funciona mediante pequeñas celdas (cientos de miles de ellas) localizadas entre dos paneles de vidrio que contienen una mezcla de gases inertes (neón y xenón). Además de las celdas de gas, también existen electrodos entre los paneles de vidrio (por delante y detrás de las celdas). Los circuitos de la TV cargan los electrodos creando una diferencia de voltaje entre ambos, ocasionando que el gas de las celdas se ionice y forme un plasma. El choque de los iones de gas contra el electrodo frontal provoca que se emitan fotones (partículas de luz). En los paneles de color, cuya parte trasera de las celdas esta recubierta con fósforo, los fotones ultravioleta emitidos por el plasma excitan el fósforo para generar luz coloreada. Cada pixel es formado por tres sub-pixeles separados, cada uno con fósforos de distinto color (rojo, verde y azul). Tales colores se mezclan creando un color por pixel. Al variar los pulsos de corriente que fluyen a través de las celdas miles de veces por segundo, el sistema de control aumenta o reduce la intensidad de color de cada sub-pixel para crear billones de combinaciones diferentes de rojo, verde y azul, produciendo colores visibles. Las pantallas de plasma utilizan la misma clase de fósforos que las pantallas tradicionales de TV (CRT), lo cual permite una reproducción de color muy exacta. Un esquema de la estructura del plasma se aprecia a continuación:

Por su parte, el LCD consiste en capas múltiples de distintos componentes: dos filtros de polarización, dos capas de vidrio con electrodos, así como moléculas de cristal líquido. El cristal líquido se encuentra contenido entre las capas de vidrio y se encuentran en contacto directo con los electrodos. Los filtros de polarización son las capas externas de esta estructura. La polaridad de un filtro es orientada horizontalmente, mientras que la polaridad del otro filtro se orienta verticalmente. Los electrodos son tratados con una capa de polímero para controlar la alineación de las moléculas de cristal líquido en una dirección particular. Esas moléculas se encuentran distribuidas para coincidir con la orientación horizontal por un lado y con la vertical por el otro, por lo que las moléculas de cristal líquido se encuentran en una estructura doblada o helicoidal. Tales cristales se encuentran doblados naturalmente y se usan en el LCD por su capacidad de reaccionar predeciblemente a la variación de temperatura y la corriente eléctrica. La luz se produce mediante una fuente fluorescente por detrás de la rejilla de cristal líquido. Cuando se aplica un voltaje a través de los electrodos se produce un torque que alinea las moléculas de cristal líquido de manera paralela al campo eléctrico, distorsionando la estructura helicoidal. Si el voltaje aplicado es suficientemente alto, las moléculas de cristal líquido (en cada pixel o punto) rotan para bloquear el paso de la luz. Cada pixel se divide en tres celdas o sub-pixeles, de colores rojo, verde y azul, que puede ser controlado de manera independiente para producir miles o millones de diferentes colores por cada pixel. En algunos modelos nuevos de LCD no se utiliza luz fluorescente sino un diodo emisor de luz (LED) para iluminar cada pixel por separado, lo que permite un mayor contraste de imagen y un menor consumo de corriente eléctrica. La estructura general del LCD se muestra en la siguiente figura:

Ahora bien, cada tecnología tiene ventajas y desventajas al compararlas entre sí. En aspectos relacionados únicamente con la calidad de la imagen el plasma posee ventajas (ver el cuadro correspondiente) sobre el LCD debido a un mejor color, contraste, brillantez y detalle (definición) de imágenes, debido a que el LCD tiende a difuminar las imágenes en movimiento (fantasmas) por su mayor tiempo de respuesta de pixel (debido a limitaciones en la velocidad de rotación de las moléculas de cristal líquido). El contraste es la diferencia entre los colores más brillante y más obscuro que la pantalla puede producir (el blanco y el negro) y se mide mediante una relación para la cual el plasma alcanza 10,000:1, mientras que el LCD apenas logra 1,200:1 (aunque algunas pantallas de LCD usan un método dinámico que les permite alcanzar un contraste de 5,000:1). Por tal motivo el plasma es capaz de presentar imágenes de color negro de manera casi perfecta, mientras que el LCD apenas lo hace en gris obscuro, por lo que el plasma es más recomendable para los sistemas de entretenimiento en casa. Además, en pantallas muy grandes, es común que el LCD presente defectos en algunos pixeles, lo cual es menos común en el plasma. Por su parte, las pantallas de LCD ofrecen en promedio una mayor resolución (1080 contra 720 del plasma), tienen un mayor ángulo de visión, de alrededor de 175 grados, mientras que para el plasma es de 160 grados. Las pantallas de plasma son más frágiles (y delicadas en su manejo) que las de LCD, por lo que se requiere instalarse cuidadosamente (preferentemente por personal especializado). Debido a su mayor peso, los televisores de plasma pueden requerir de anclajes especiales si se desean montar en la pared, mientras que las de LCD son mucho más ligeras. Asimismo, las pantallas de LCD consumen menor cantidad de energía eléctrica (30-50% menos) y generan menos calor que las de plasma, por lo que éstas últimas requieren de ventilación adecuada (no se recomienda instalarlas dentro de muebles). Su grosor es de tres pulgadas comparadas con las dos pulgadas de las de LCD. Las pantallas de cristal líquido se ven mejor con luz de día debido a que no reflejan mucha luz, lo que permite conservar su brillantez de imágenes en una habitación muy iluminada. Por el contrario, los televisores de plasma tienen una superficie de vidrio que refleja la luz externa, lo que reduce el contraste y la brillantez de sus imágenes. A grandes alturas (no sólo en aviones sino en sitios arriba de 2,000 metros sobre el nivel del mar) el gas de las celdas del plasma es afectado por la menor presión atmosférica lo que afecta su desempeño e incluso genera un zumbido, mientras que el LCD es inmune a tales condiciones. En cuanto al precio, ninguna de ambas tecnologías son (aún) económicas para pantallas grandes, pero para dimensiones similares el plasma es más caro que el LCD e incluso no existen pantallas de plasma en tamaño pequeño (aunque en pantallas muy grandes los precios tienden a equilibrarse). La vida útil de la pantalla de LCD es promedio mayor al plasma (cuya duración, en algunos casos, es apenas de 30,000 horas), aunque en ambas tecnologías algunos modelos tienen una vida de 60,000 horas antes de que su brillantez de pantalla se reduzca a la mitad. Aunque los televisores actuales de plasma ya cuentan con una función que evita el quemado de la pantalla con imágenes estáticas (anti-burn-in), se recomienda evitar utilizar permanentemente el televisor con imágenes o iconos fijos (como las siglas de CNN) pues pueden marcar permanentemente la pantalla, cosa que no sucede con el LCD. Por ello se recomienda utilizar el LCD para pantallas de computadora.

En la actualidad se venden más pantallas de LCD que de plasma y la tendencia se mantendrá debido a la incursión del LCD (de Sony y Sharp) en el nicho de las pantallas gigantes de plasma (mayores a 40 pulgadas). Los fabricantes de plasma como Matsushita (Panasonic), Hitachi y Pioneer se verán obligados a reducir precios y mejorar sus puntos débiles si desean competir en el mercado a futuro. En conclusión: si su decisión radica exclusivamente en la calidad de imágenes (color, contraste, brillantez y definición), entonces el plasma sería su mejor elección. Pero si considera importante también el precio, variedad de tamaños, consumo de energía eléctrica, vida útil, fragilidad, peso, resolución, condiciones de luz externa, resistencia al uso de imágenes estáticas, etc., entonces debe considerar adquirir una pantalla de LCD.

Sitios web recomendados:

Q&A: Ask the Pro's! Wedding Cakes!

I came across a great local article on Wedding Cakes by one of my favorite bakers, Debbie Welch-Busser, from Ms. Debbie's Sugar Art - I found the article in our Local Wedding and Reception Magazine, and I thought I'd share it with ya'll.

Q. When should I start shopping for my wedding cake?
A. Answers range from 4 to 12 months. Many specialized wedding cake designers limit the number of wedding cakes they do and can have some of the more popular wedding dates booked as much as 12 months in advance. You should call and inquire about your date's availability then request a consultant to see the designer's personal work and discuss ideas, budget and flavors. You can select your cake designer long before you select a cake design and should choose your gown style and reception decor as soon as possible as this will help to guide you with the cake design.

Q. How can I make sure my anniversary tier is tasty a year later?
A. Remove your cake ornament or other non-edible decorations. Place the cake in the freezer for 3-4 hours to firm the icing. Then wrap tightly with plastic wrap or large plastic freezer bags, double or even triple bag the cake. Remove as much air as possible with either a vacuum sealer or a straw, sucking all of the air out- air is the bad guy! Now place the cake in the smallest bakery box possible then tape all of the seams and open folds. Wrap the box with plastic wrap then with heavy-duty foil using a fold down method for maximum protection from frost. Place in the freezer. Set out to defrost the morning of and do no remove wrapping until thawed. It is NOT recommended to have a custard or fruit filling in this tier because they tend to start breaking down and will affect the taste of your cake.

There is more, but I thought these two were good to know.

PS- Don't know what in the world is going on with the fonts and sizes, it must be the crack, but dont' tell anyone.

Super Bulls

16 Pics

Monday, October 29, 2007

aris Hilton a Valentine's Day "Hottie"

The Paris Hilton vehicle "The Hottie and the Nottie" will hit theaters just in time for Valentine's Day.

Indie distributor Regent Releasing has picked up all North American rights to Tom Putnam's romantic comedy and set a February 8 release in ten major markets around the country.

The heiress and former inmate plays Cristabel Abbott, who's been eyed since the first grade by an obsessed Nate Cooper (Joel David Moore). To win her affections, Nate is forced to find a boyfriend for her less-than-beautiful friend June Phigg (Christine Lakin).

Hilton previously starred in the 2005 horror remake "House of Wax," although audiences reportedly cheered when her character was killed.

Paris Hilton Avoids Injury in Car Accident

Paris Hilton narrowly escaped injury on Saturday when a photographer's car sideswiped her Cadillac Escalade as she was exiting the vehicle.

The Simple Life star's chauffeur had parked behind Beverly Hills boutique Kitson when an over-enthusiastic paparazzo pulled up to take some pictures--and accidentally left his Mercedes-Benz in reverse.

Nobody was hurt in the incident, although a minder sitting in the front passenger seat of the socialite's car complained of neck pain, and Hilton and the photographer exchanged phone numbers for insurance purposes.

Hilton's driver tells Web site TMZ.com, "The car is backing up into me, in reverse, as my client is getting out of the car.

"Basically it was either me risking hurting my client (by moving the vehicle)--which I wasn't willing to do, of course--or taking the hit. So we took the hit."

Mariah Carey gives advice to Lohan and Spears

Singer Mariah Carey has offered troubled stars Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears some well-needed advice - she's urged them to stay focused on the important things in life.

The R+B superstar, 37, is reported to have suffered her own emotional breakdown in 2001, and credits her belief in spiritual guidance for helping her through the tough times.

She tells Glamour magazine, "I would say you need to be very centered, and spiritually know where you're at, all the time.

"Don't read the tabloids. Don't be obsessed with what people are writing or saying. Live your life for you.

"My lifestyle has changed since making it. It's not a financial struggle, but I'm still struggling in a lot of ways... It took me a long time to acknowledge that my personal feelings mattered."

Lindsay Lohan will be 'forced' to party

Actress Lindsay Lohan will be forced to party on New Year's Eve at LAX nightclub, despite her commitment to stay sober.

The 21-year-old actress, who recently spent two months in rehab for overcoming drugs and alcohol addiction, signed a contract to host the party prior to sorting herself out.

According to the reports the 'Mean Girls' star will have to stick to the contract, which means she will have to be at the LAX nightclub's party on the night.

The actress also still owes the management group money since she cancelled her birthday bash at Pure nightclub.

Lohan was well known for being a frequent attendee at various nightclubs and social events - at times being photographed with nightlife notables such as Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

Lohan family to star in reality show

Lindsay Lohan's family have signed up to star in their own reality TV show.

The Osbournes-style programme will mainly feature Dina Lohan and her singer/actress daughter Ali, but Lindsay will be making a few cameo appearances.

Filming for the series, which will be shown on E!, is set to begin on 30 Oct in New York. Dina Lohan will be at the centre of the action as well as serving as executive producer. The show will also follow the Lohan matriarch as she attempts to manage other performers' careers.

She tells People, "It's about what I do, how you can be successful, and be a single mom and fulfilling your kids' dreams.

"It won't just be following my family around like other shows. It'll show me cultivating careers, going to soccer practice. Ali going to school and in the studio. It'll encompass everything. Lindsay is a family member and will lend a helping hand if Ali asks her, when she's in the recording studio. We just want it to be real."

Studio - Almost Done!

We have been working so hard on my new studio - furniture is coming together. The television is mounted, all we are waiting on is the tables - which were supposed to be here in 3-8 weeks, eight weeks is this weekend, and there is no sign of the tables! The photographers I love are bringing images for me later this week! Thanks Caroline Johnson Photography and Powers Photography!

I am just getting so excited!!!

It's not about the spam

When Gmail's spam filters are working perfectly, no one talks to us anti-spam engineers. But as soon as something goes wrong, our users, our friends, and even our Google colleagues who use Gmail for their corporate mail are sure to tell us. That's just the way we like it. Spam is not something people should grow numb to and accept as a fact of life. We *want* people to complain. That's the only way things get better.

Due in large part to all the great feedback we get, things are better. We're keeping more spam out of your inbox than ever before, so more and more, you can use Gmail for things you enjoy without even realizing that the spam filter is there most of the time. It's not too different from driving a convertible down the freeway with the top down, with the wind blowing through your hair and no traffic jams to destroy the mood. Now, I'm not saying we're perfect, but the really good news is that it seems like spammers are finally starting to get discouraged. Attempts to spam Gmail users have been leveling off over the last year and more recently, even declining slightly. We need your help clicking on the "Report Spam" button, but through continuous improvement we are approaching the world we all want to live in.

As much as we don't want you to even think about spam, people are naturally curious and ask questions such as "where does spam come from?", "who buys the shoddy stuff spammers advertise?" and "how do you catch spam?" We're engineers, though, not forensic experts or economists, so while we can only speculate about the first two questions, we can talk authoritatively about the last one -- spam-catching. To that end, we've put together a video explaining how our spam filters work:

Now if we could only get a "Report Traffic" button in our cars ...

Ninel Conde (Galeria 4)

Revistas TV Notas, TVyNovelas y Sitio Web Oficial

Otras fotos:

Hollywood goes Halloween: It's Paris Hilton in Wonderland

Partygirl Paris Hilton led the Hollywood party pack in the fancy dress stakes as she donned two different similarly saucy outfits for a weekend of Halloween shindigs.

First up was a nautical theme, as Paris stepped out for a pal's fancy dress bash in Hollywood's Bel Air.
Paris in Wonderland: Paris Hilton donned two revealing outfits for a weekend of Halloween partying

Wearing a strapless corseted minidress decorated with anchors, topped off by a sailors hat, Paris showed plenty of her perma-tanned leg.

But it was her second outfit in which she upped the raunch factor as she adopted a demented Alice in Wonderland theme with a white PVC minidress, with layered petticoats, suspenders and stockings.

And the final touch of drama, a pair of bizarre contact lenses.

Cheeky girl: The wannabe actress revealed rather too much from behind in her demented Alice in Wonderland style frock

Paris was letting her hair down after working on a film in Toronto all week and after getting in a row with an adult movie shop which was promoting her infamous home-made sex tape 'One Night in Paris'.

Petulant Paris demanded that the promotional posters were torn down, and threatened to sue the store for all they had. Apparently while wearing another costume - this time a skeleton and mask outfit.

But the ex-jailbird wasn't the only celebrity out on the Halloween prowl. Desperate Housewife Teri Hatcher, looked a right fright dressed as the Queen of Hearts at the Dream Halloween charity bash.

Wearing a face full of clown-like make up, and a tightly corseted ball dress, Hatcher's outfit was a red carpet nightmare. But on this occasion it was fitting.

Teri Hatcher1
Queen of Hearts: Teri Hatcher's over the top Halloween outfit is a frock horror, while actress Jamie Lee-Curtis is a red devil in her ringmaster outfit

And actress Jamie-Lee Curtis showed off her still enviable pins while dressed as a not very scary circus ringmaster.

As did Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughter Rumer, who dressed as a showgirl.

Try hard: Die hard star Bruce Willis' daughter Rumer, dressed as a showgirl for a Halloween themed charity bash

But the weekend's hot ticket party was actress Kate Hudson's Hollywood bash. Attended by on/off boyfriend Dax Shepard, Mary-Kate Olsen and father Kurt Russell.

Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler looked as if he was wearing his stage-make-up as he joined the stars out on the town for the big party weekend.
Kate Hudson's1
Hostess with the mostest: Kate Hudson's party was packed with celebrities including dad Kurt Russell

Ashley Olsen1
A-list bash: Actress Ashley Olsen attended Kate Hudson's star-studded Halloween bash dressed as Marie Antoinette

Rocker Steven Tyler1
Walk the plank: Rocker Steven Tyler channels Johnny Depp in his Pirates of the Caribbean influenced costume

I'm so Lucky to have this Guest Blogger!

I feel so blessed and Lucky to have Erin from Lucky Designs guest Blogging for us! She has such a great story, and her work is just so beautiful! Her monograms are so personal, with such a unique and classic approach. So without further ado, here is Erin!

Happy Monday to the readers of Masterpiece Weddings. Melissa has been kind enough to invite me to guest blog today. As a newlywed, I loved planning my wedding. As a result of many compliments on our wedding stationary, I began Lucky Designs (with the help of my family). I greatly enjoy creating invitations, monograms, etc. for brides and their fiancés.

For those of you planning a wedding, shower, or any kind of event, I invite you to consider using a monogram to pull all the elements of your special occasion together. Monograms have been incorporated in household items for many years; however, they seemed to have really taken off in the wedding industry in 2005. A monogram does not have to a couple’s initials, but could also be a symbol (such as a leaf, flower, flourish, or pattern). Not only do colors pull an event together beautifully, but a symbol or monogram does as well (The Knot).

When creating a custom design for my customers, I love to hear about the venue, flowers, bride’s dress, date, and the couple’s overall style. For our wedding, my husband and I really focused on our venue for inspiration – a landmark museum with amazing Art Deco style of architecture. Our monogram and décor was simple, in order to not take away from the location. One couple that worked with Lucky Designs made a landmark the focal point of their monogram – the St. Louis arch!

Your monogram can be a part of your wedding plans from the very beginning – making an appearance on your Save The Dates. Incorporate a monogram in as many elements of your wedding as you see fit. Monograms enhance ... wedding website design, invitations, bouquet jewelry, menus, gobos, banners, aisle runners, table runners, or a something blue for a bride.

Check out some more of her beautiful work: