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Friday, August 31, 2007

Lindsay Lohan’s father claims mother 'does cocaine'

Lindsay Lohan’s father Michael claims her mother Dina “does cocaine.”

The convicted criminal is furious with his wife for not allowing him access to their children and has hit out at her in a vicious attack.

Michael is quoted by PerezHilton’s website as saying, "I’ll give you a video tape of someone who told me, ‘Michael, I know for a fact that Dina does cocaine because I delivered it to the house to her.’ That’s recently, about six months ago.”

He goes on to accuse Dina of keeping him from seeing Lindsay and his other three children - Michael, Aliana and Dakota – and claims Dina leaked a story that he is to visit Lindsay at her Utah rehab facility.

Michael said, "Dina is doing everything possible to try and prevent me from seeing Lindsay and my kids. This will wind up back in court and then the truth is going to come out.

“I’ve said from the beginning, any communication with Lindsay is between us and I’ve kept my word.

“But Dina contacted the press and said I was seeing Lindsay. Part of my whole agreement in court was to see my kids, which she has prevented me from doing.”

He also accuses Dina of being involved in six DUI offences for which she has never been caught by police.

Lindsay, 21, has been charged with driving under the influence and Michael has served time in jail for DUI charges.

Dina responded by saying, "Now the world will know why eight people have issued criminal protection orders against Michael Lohan.”

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