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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Paris Hilton told Elle about her future plans

In an interview only marginally less hard hitting than Larry King's postincarceration pressing, Paris Hilton sat down with family friend and fellow drama queen Jackie Collins to dish—yet again—on her jail stint, her cat-and-mouse game with the paparazzi and her desire to domesticate.

In Hilton's latest reinvention-touting interview, this time featured in the U.K. edition of Elle's October issue, the hotel heiress pays serious lip service to following in pal Nicole Richie's footsteps and settling down, claiming that she has designs on procreating as early as next year and that nothing would make her happier, despite preconception-based tabloid reports to the contrary.

"I wanna have like a family and a guy," she tells Collins, a lifelong family friend, in the Q&A. "Y'know, it just upsets me because I'm not anything like what people say about me, and this cartoon character that they've made of me is just completely false. It makes me mad that I'm such a good person and I'm treated like that by some people, I just don't get it."

Still, the 26-year-old isn't letting the haters get her down—or get in the way of a good plan.

"I just started working out and it feels great," she said. "It gives me so much energy. I want kids next year, so I've got to get my body ready."

As for which A-list male specimen might aid her in her brood-making quest, Hilton says she is currently single but on the lookout.

"I used to care about looks, but I've grown out of that stage. They have to be a good person, someone I know would be a good husband, loyal and funny and smart. And somebody I can trust, with good chemistry. But I don't know, I like a guy who can make me laugh."

As for what Hilton thinks she can bring to the relationship: "I make an amazing lasagna."

Before she brings another Hilton into the world, however, the former Simple Life star is content to focus on the little things that make her happy—no longer the late nights or hot clubs, she says, but her animals—11 dogs, two monkeys, three ferrets, three cats and two bunnies, at last count—and her family.

Something, she says, that no longer holds interest for her are Hollywood's hot spots and the suddenly unwanted coverage they attract.

"They're like stalkers," she says of her ever-present paparazzi followers. "I think they're out of control. I've rented this beach house, I'm all excited to go out on the beach and I can't even do that...I can't even see the beach from my house now, because there are 60 or 70 paparazzi standing on the beach in front of my house waiting for me to go in the ocean and for my bathing suit top to fall off. It's insane."

Hilton says she had a similar problem while attempting to go incognito on a solo trip to Hawaii immediately after her release from jail.

"I thought I got away with it because we bought tickets to, like, six different places...And I used a different name, but when we landed the paparazzi were all there, and I was so upset because I was dressed like a Hawaiian. I had on a black wig and I thought no one would notice."

Hilton's sudden aversion to photogs seemed to rear as soon as she walked out of Lynwood's Century Regional Detention Facility earlier this summer, with the heiress saying she was "in shock" at the waiting throngs.

"It was weird to be out in the open air, so many flashbulbs, and the helicopters were crazy. I was shy because I hadn't been around people for a while."

As for her time behind bars, Hilton doesn't appear to be too scarred from the experience, saying she got along famously with her cellblock-mates. Her opinion of the sentencing judge, however, is a different story.

"We were all in cells, and I would talk to them in passing and they'd say, 'I love you, God bless you, it's ridiculous you're in here. I'm in here for murder, what the hell is going on?' People thought the judge was totally out of order...You know, I was only in there for a suspended license."

Despite any lingering bitterness over the experience, Hilton is making good on her postjail word to get more involved in the matters close to her heart, signing on most recently to chair the 16th annual AmfAR Rocks benefit.

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