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Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekend Babe: Sexy Cute Japanese Idol Nina Minami

Sexy Cute Japanese Idol Nina Minami

First weekend of the last month of the year! Done your Christmas shopping yet? ;) Better hit the shops soon. Today, we have the sexy and cute Japanese model Nina Minami as our weekend babe.

We've featured her here over a year and a half ago and I must say... she's HOT HOT HOT! She is a popular model on men’s magazines Young Sunday, Young Champion, BOMB, Weekly pla yboy, G-Girl etc. and was one of image girls for Coca-Cola Japan’s Buzz Energy Drink campaign last year.

She is also one of the bikini models and av idols who appears on Tenmei TV a web/mobile content download site (i-mode, EZweb, Softbank, Yahoo).

Guest Blogger Friday

My name is Jennifer and I'm the blogger behind Earth Friendly Weddings. I have to say I'm very excited to have the honor of writing a guest post for Melissa today! It will be hard to match her fabulous energy that she infuses in all her posts, but I'm going to try!

The goal of this post is to simply share with you five easy ways to add a little green to your wedding. Nothing too hard. Nothing too boring. And everything environmentally friendly!

One: Choose Locally Grown, Organic Flowers
Going with locally grown flowers reduces pollutants caused from transportation. Choosing organic flowers ensures no harmful pesticides were used. Just be mindful that your flowers will have to be available during the season of your wedding. Fortunately, many flowers are available year round, such as the ever popular calla Lilly. (Left Photo from Red Orchid Design, Right Photo: MS Weddings)

Two: Purchase Used or Vintage
Reuse resources by purchasing used or vintage items. Weddingbee.com has a classifieds section where brides can sell their used wedding items. You can also check out your local consignment shop, eBay, or online vintage/pre-owned stores to find a wedding dress or accessories. You'd be surprised at whats available. (Picture: from Posh Girl Vintage)

Three: Choose Earth Friendly Paper
From your invitations to your thank you cards, make sure to choose paper that's either recycled, certified FSC (which means it comes from a responsibly managed forest), handmade, or consists of alternative fibers. (left pictures: Of The Earth; Right Picture: Oblation Papers)

Four: A Wise Favor
Too many favors get thrown in the trash, so either forgo them, hand out something that is edible, or follow the growing trend to donate to your favorite charity or organization. In the picture on the left, local honey was packaged in jars by beekeeper friends of the bride and groom's family! (pictures from theknot.com)

Five: Glow!
Skip the fancy lighting, and create ambiance with candles. Preferably soy candles, which produce less soot, burn longer than regular candles, and don't suck up any energy. (photos from Red Orchid Design)

Remember, making green choices is really just about making smarter choices. Be mindful of any potential waste created, reuse what you can, and be creative!

Altair Jarabo (Galeria 1)

Revistas TV y Novelas, Maxim y Televisa Novelas

Otras fotos:
Altair Jarabo (Galeria 2)

Utilerias para Desarrollo Web

(Cortesía de Wizardi)

Elgg 0.8

Elgg es una plataforma de creación de redes sociales basada en PHP y MySQL. Permite organizar a comunidades de usuarios que pueden crear sus propios blogs, colaborar entre sí o compartir noticias y archivos.

WordPress 2.2.3

WordPress es sistema de publicación de blogs escrito en PHP y que utiliza MySQL como base de datos.


CakePHP es un framework de desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones en PHP que utiliza el patrón Modelo-Vista-Controlador.

Amaya 9.55.3 Windows XP

Amaya es un editor/navegador de páginas web desarrollado por el World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Además de generar páginas web de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del W3C sobre XHTML y CSS, permite experimentar hoy mismo con otras recomendaciones del W3C menos conocidas (MathML, SVG, Anotaciones, etc).

PECL 5.2.4

PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) es un conjunto de módulos para ampliar las capacidades de PHP (creación de pdf, manipulación de archivos zip, etc.). Varios de estos módulos estaban incluidos en PHP 4, pero ya no lo están en PHP 5.

Drupal 4.7.7

Drupal es un sistema de gestión de contenidos (CMS) basado en PHP y MySQL o PostgreSQL que permite la administración de usuarios, documentos, discusiones o noticias. Desde la página web del programa se pueden descargar muchos módulos para ampliar las capacidades de Drupal.

EasyPHP 1.8

EasyPHP es un paquete que combina el servidor Apache 1.3.33, la base de datos MySQL 4.1.9 y el lenguaje de programación PHP 4.3.10. También incluye phpMyAdmin 2.6.1. Esta versión puede instalarse tanto en Windows 9X como en XP.

DokuWiki 2007.06.26b

DokuWiki es un wiki dirigido a la creación de documentación de pequeñas empresas o de pequeños grupos de trabajo. DokuWiki está escrito en PHP, pero no necesita ninguna base de datos para funcionar. DokuWiki incluye control de versiones y de acceso, plantillas o búsquedas, y desde la página web del programa se pueden descargar extensiones que amplían las capacidades de Dokuwiki.

MOZiE 0.9.1

MOZiE permite a los diseñadores de páginas web comparar el resultado de su trabajo en Mozilla e IE simultáneamente, así como a diferentes resoluciones. Antes de instalar MOZiE, se necesita tener instalado el Mozilla ActiveX Control 1.6. Desde abril de 2007 la página web del programa ya no está disponible.

Resize Browser 1.0.4

Resize Browser permite modificar el tamaño de las ventanas de los navegadores con un sólo clic. Está pensado para que el diseñador de páginas web pueda probar fácilmente cómo quedan sus páginas a diferentes resoluciones (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, etc).

DOSBox 0.72

DOSBox es un emulador del sistema operativos MS-DOS realizado con la biblioteca SDL. Es capaz de emular parcialmente los antiguos PCs 286, 386 y 486, lo que permite ejecutar aplicaciones o juegos que ya no funcionan en Windows.

Tracking Santa, then and now

It was more than half a century ago, on Christmas Eve in 1955, that a Sears Roebuck & Co. store in Colorado Springs advertised a special hotline number for kids to call Santa. What the company didn't know at the time was that they had inadvertently misprinted the telephone number. Instead of Santa's workshop, the phone number put kids through to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the bi-national U.S.-Canadian military organization responsible for the aerospace defense of the U. S. and Canada. Worse, it wasn't just any number at NORAD: it was the commander-in-chief's operations hotline. In the spirit of the season, Colonel Harry Shoup, the director of operations at the time, had his staff check radar data for any indication of a sleigh making its way south from the North Pole. They found that indeed there were signs of Santa, and merrily gave the children who called an update on his location. Thus, a tradition was born, and NORAD has continued to help children track Santa on Christmas Eve ever since.

It just so happens that Colonel Shoup is my grandfather, which is why I'm so excited that, 52 years later, Google is joining the effort. This holiday season, NORAD has partnered with Google to use technology including Google Maps, Google Earth, iGoogle and YouTube to track Santa. I can remember tracking Santa with my grandfather as a child, and I'm so proud to see my company carry on his vision of doing something this special for kids around the world.

The countdown begins December 1st on NORAD's website, where families can find a new kid-friendly game or activity every day until December 24th. And starting at 1:00 am PST on December 24th, you'll be able to track Santa's trip in real time. You can download Google Earth and add the NORAD Tracks Santa iGoogle gadget to your iGoogle page anytime, but make sure to come back to noradsanta.org on December 24th to download the special Santa Tracking file for an enhanced 3D Santa-tracking experience.

Harry and Carrie.

It's Official!

There is so much to talk about! We had our Grand Opening, I checked something off my life list, and what exactly happened with the Change of Plans! So here weeeeeeee go!

First, thanks to Caroline Johnson for some fantastical images that really truly tell a beautiful story!

Let's start with Change of Plans - I had an image for what I wanted my centerpieces to be for our opening - Basically I wanted Wheat grass in a silver dish with a candle in the middle - but when I couldn't find Rye Grass or Wheat grass in anything smaller than a 100 pound bag, this prompted me to search high and low, and cross and circle the aisles of Home Depot for hours - until I found some little teeny tiny lettuces that were less than 1 inch tall, and decided lettuce centerpieces would be neat, and different. The final product, not exactly what I had in mind, but came out even more beautiful than I could image!

Grand Opening:

It was amazing! Here are some images that Caroline took that really just show off our new studio.

Our Front Door:

Caroline's beautiful work on our wall:

Our wall of Praise:

Little Favors from the Party, I plucked large springs of Rosemary from my garden and put my favorite recipe on the cards, along with a shout out to the vendors that helped make this part-ah a success:

The Chocolate Fountain:

Now my life list - I have always wanted to stick my face into a chocolate fountain - so I did - Caroline was nice enough to not show the pictures of me with my entire face into the stream of chocolate, but it just looks like I took a gentle sip.... Nahhhhh!

Who's going to win the spectrum auction? Consumers.

Here at Google, we see the upcoming 700 megahertz spectrum auction at the Federal Communications Commission as one of the best opportunities consumers will have to enjoy more choices in the world of wireless devices. That's why we announced today that we are applying to participate in the auction.

We already know that regardless of which bidders ultimately win the auction, consumers will be the real winners either way. This is because the eventual winner of a key portion of this spectrum will be required to give its customers the right to download any application they want on their mobile device, and the right to use any device they want on the network (assuming the C Block reserve price of $4.6 billion is met in the auction). That's meaningful progress in our ongoing efforts to help transform the relatively closed wireless world to be more like the open realm of the Internet.

Regardless of how the auction unfolds, we think it's important to put our money where our principles are. Consumers deserve more choices and more competition than they have in the wireless world today. And at a time when so many Americans don't have access to the Internet, this auction provides an unprecedented opportunity to bring the riches of the Net to more people.

While we've written a lot on our blogs and spoken publicly about our plans for the auction, unfortunately you're not going to hear from us about this topic for awhile, and we want to explain why.

Monday, December 3, is the deadline for prospective bidders to apply with the FCC to participate in the auction. Though the auction itself won't start until January 24, 2008, Monday also marks the starting point for the FCC's anti-collusion rules, which prevent participants in the auction from discussing their bidding strategy with each other.

These rules are designed to keep the auction process fair, by keeping bidders from cooperating in anticompetitive ways so as to drive the auction prices in artificial directions. While these rules primarily affect private communications among prospective bidders, the FCC historically has included all forms of public communications in its interpretation of these rules.

All of this means that, as much as we would like to offer a step-by-step account of what's happening in the auction, the FCC's rules prevent us from doing so until the auction ends early next year. So here's a quick primer on how things will unfold:
  • December 3: By Monday, would-be applicants must file their applications to participate in the auction (FCC Form 175), which remain confidential until the FCC makes them available.

  • Mid-December: Once all the applications have been fully reviewed, the FCC will release a public list of eligible bidders in the auction. Each bidder must then make a monetary deposit no later than December 28, depending on which licenses they plan to bid on. The more spectrum blocks an applicant is deemed eligible to bid on, the greater the amount they must deposit.

  • January 24, 2008: The auction begins, with each bidder using an electronic bidding process. Since this auction is anonymous (a rule that we think makes the auction more competitive and therefore better for consumers), the FCC will not publicly identify which parties have made which bid until after the auction is over.

  • Bidding rounds: The auction bidding occurs in stages established by the FCC, with the likely number of rounds per day increasing as bidding activity decreases. The FCC announces results at the end of each round, including the highest bid at that point, the minimum acceptable bid for the following round, and the amounts of all bids placed during the round. The FCC does not disclose bidders' names, and bidders are not allowed to disclose publicly whether they are still in the running or not.

  • Auction end: The auction will end when there are no new bids and all the spectrum blocks have been sold (many experts believe this auction could last until March 2008). If the reserve price of any spectrum block is not met, the FCC will conduct a re-auction of that block. Following the end of the auction, the FCC announces which bidders have secured licenses to which pieces of spectrum and requires winning bidders to submit the balance of the payments for the licenses.
If you're interested in keeping track of the publicly available details of the auction, check out this page on the FCC's website or Google News. In the meantime, my lips will be sealed (something, frankly, that I'm not used to).

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Paola Nuñez (Galeria 1)

TV Azteca y Revista GQ

Otras fotos:

Desaparecio una Noche

Desapareció una Noche (Gone Baby Gone, 2007) es una película de corte dramático y de suspenso basada en la novela homónima de Dennis Lehane (el autor de Río Místico). Protagonizada por Casey Affleck, Ed Harris y Morgan Freeman, Desapareció una Noche marca el debut como director de Ben Affleck. La historia comienza con la desaparición de una niña en un barrio bajo de Boston (Dorchester). Una pareja de detectives privados, Patrick Kenzie (Casey Affleck) y Angela Gennaro (Michelle Monaghan) son contratados por los tíos de la niña, Beatrice (Amy Madigan) y Lionel McCready (Titus Welliver), para investigar el caso, pues sospechan que se trata de un secuestro. Al mismo tiempo el Jefe de la Policía, el capitán Jack Doyle (Morgan Freeman) ha comisionado a los detectives Remy Bressant (Ed Harris) y Nick Poole (John Ashton) para realizar las indagatorias de la desaparición. La niña resulta ser hija de una drogadicta, Helene McCready (Amy Ryan), quien junto a su novio Skinny Ray le han robado dinero ($130,000 dólares) a un distribuidor de droga llamado Cheese (Edi Gathegi). Skinny Ray fue torturado y asesinado por Cheese, quien aparentemente ha secuestrado a la niña para intercambiarla y recuperar su dinero. Helene le confiesa a Kenzie y los detectives Bressant y Poole el paradero del dinero y deciden intercambiarlo por la niña. El trato se va a realizar en un acantilado (a la orilla de un lago) pero las cosas salen mal y el narcotraficante resulta muerto, mientras que la niña aparentemente cae al agua y se ahoga (su cuerpo nunca aparece). Asumiendo el fracaso de la operación, el jefe Doyle renuncia a su cargo y se retira a la vida privada. Kenzie sigue investigando y se entera que otro niño a desaparecido. Con la ayuda de un amigo (quien también distribuye droga), Bubba Rogowski (el rapero Slaine), Kenzie entra en la casa de unos pedófilos drogadictos y descubre que el niño se encuentra cautivo en ese sitio. Junto a los detectives Bressant y Poole intenta rescatar al infante pero Poole resulta gravemente herido. Kenzie mata a uno de los pedófilos, quien violó y asesinó previamente al niño, mientras que los otros dos criminales son capturados. Kenzie interroga al tío de la niña (Lionel McCready) y se entera que Lionel y Remy Bressant pretendían ocultar a la niña y simular un secuestro para quedarse con el dinero que Helene y su novio ocultaron. Sin embargo el plan se complicó debido a que la desaparición se hizo del dominio público. Remy trata de asesinar a Kenzie y Lionel en un bar simulando un asalto pero el cantinero le dispara y lo deja mortalmente herido. La única pieza que le falta a Kenzie para completar el rompecabezas es encontrar a la niña. Y el jefe Doyle sabe más de lo que aparenta respecto a su paradero...

Al igual que Río Místico, Desapareció una Noche es una película cuya historia resulta interesante debido a sus "vueltas de tuerca" al más puro estilo de Dennis Lehane. Se trata de un proyecto igual de intenso que Río Místico, ambientado en el Boston natal de Lehane, con una gran variedad de personajes y situaciones hacen de Desapareció una Noche una buena película. En cuanto al trabajo de dirección de Ben Affleck, resulta una grata sorpresa. Affleck demuestra tener un gran futuro no sólo delante, sino detrás de cámaras.

Desapareció una Noche: *** (Buena)

Yang Mi

Yang Mi

Sexy girls: Leg Avenue Sexy Slinky Halter Dress with Lace Inset

sexy girls
Sexy girls: Leg Avenue Sexy Slinky Halter Dress with Lace Inset

Sexy woman and nice black dress: Leg Avenue Wet Look Slinky Halter Mini Dress

sexy black
Sexy woman and nice black dress: Leg Avenue Wet Look Slinky Halter Mini Dress

Sexy dress lingerie: Soft nylon embroidered netting babydoll has satin lined underwire cups

sexy dress lingerie
Sexy dress lingerie: Soft nylon embroidered netting babydoll has satin lined underwire cups

Sexy Woman Soft And Sexy Lace Underwired Babydoll

sexy girl

Exotic lingerie for sexy woman: Soft and sexy our multi fiber chiffon and tri-tone lace underwired baby doll has flattering and supportive pleated cups, tie front closure, and adjustable straps. comes with a lace g-string.

Hot Hong Kong Model Chrissie Chau

Hot Hong Kong Model Chrissie Chau

Was doing my usual weekly reseach and I stumbled upon this hot Hong Kong model. Her name is Chrissie Chau. Can't find much information about this hot model except that she is the first runnerup of X-Game Surfer Girl Contest.

Also, she made a cameo in the Hong Kong movie Love Undercover 3.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Liliana Lago

Liliana Lago es una actriz de nacionalidad Mexicana que se hizo conocida por ser “La Nacha Plus” pero ahora Liliana no quiere que la llamen así, ya que incursionara como cantante de genero grupero. Liliana estudio actuación y ciencias de la comunicación pero sin duda es mucho mas recordada por su belleza o no.
Fotos Liliana Lago.