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Sunday, December 2, 2007

I was Tagged!

I have so much to post this week, I thought I'd get in a little Sunday post... because Darci at With This Ring has "tagged" me. Tagging feels a little like a chain letter to me, only more fun because you get to learn more about other people . And since I don't want to face any chain letter consequences like utter doom, I'll oblige :) The rules of tagging are as follows:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. (check!)
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself. (check!)
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.(I'm working on it...)
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (see #3)

So, here goes:

1. My husband and I have named every animal we've owned after alcohol or alcoholic beverages, it started with Smirnoff the Iguana, he was the coolest Iguana on the planet! And since we've had all dogs. So it was Bailey (who passed away last April :( Malibu, Kahlua, Whiskey and our newest addition Bellini (named by my Sister) - right now we currently only have Whiskey and Bellini, our Brittany Spaniels. Our babies.

2. I am OCD- seriously I have a problem, like "Hello, my Name is Melissa, and I have OCD". My pantry is organized in alphabetical order (cans start with Artichoke Hearts...), my closet is organized by color and season, my house is minimalist and if there is a crumb on the counter, God help us all! (I know it's a problem)

3. My sister has twins, Sydney and Peyton, they are seriously the love of my life! They turned one a few months ago, and I can't get enough of them!

4. I've been a wedding planner for 13 years! I started wedding planning in college and just can't imagine doing anything else! I love it!!!

5. I have an addiction to stationary, I see a cute pack of cards and I have to get them! I have stationary for every occasion and some I won't use the last of them, because I know I'll never be able to find that "kind" of stationary again.

6. I am a baking fiend! I seriously love to bake! And I must admit, I'm pretty good. I entered a National Pie Baking Championship, and got an honorable mention.... I bake when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I am exhausted. It's my therapy - but I don't eat baked goods. I know! It's crazy!

7. In high school I won first place in the Future Business Leader's of America competition in Job Interview, and I've never applied for a job and not gotten an offer. I totally rock at interviewing and being an interviewee.

Okay so now I have to tag 7 people, I'll do that tomorrow and post pictures of some of the posts.

Expect a lot of fun posting this week!!!!!

Happy December!

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