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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


In our first ever giveaway, our winner is Maria1016 and she said:

Hands down favorite: a wedding invitation. No lie - this was a black and white xerox copy on 8x11 paper, with at least 3 or 4 typos, crossed off and corrected by hand. The grammar was very poor, words were misspelled and the phone number to the church was included...in case anyone needed to call for directions. This couple could have REALLY benefited from the services of Invitation Consultants...but it surely was a memorable invitation!!

So, Maria, if you could email me with the work Winner in the Subject line, I'll get you your $50 Certificate to Invitation Consultants, and the rest of your goodies!

Thank you everyone who commented, it was so much fun to read through them and see the memorable invitations you have received over the years! Memorable in good and not so good ways!
Keep checking back, we have lots of blogging to do today!

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