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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Top 5!

Yesterday I had Christina let you know what she felt her Top 5 things learned at her first wedding with MasterPiece Weddings were. I wanted to explain some of what she said, maybe give you some back story.

1. Every wedding planner needs a Mary Poppins’ carpetbag… by the end of the night, I was waiting for Melissa to pull out a coat rack from her “wedding bag.”

We did have to get a lot of stuff out of the Wedding Bag at this wedding, I guess I never think about what comes out of it, and how much thought went in to choosing the things that I knew I'd use a lot. I think I can do anything with DoubleStick Tape, a Sharpie Marker, and Binder Clips!

{Me playing War with the Bride to ease her anxiety}

2. A wedding planner must be able to wear many hats. I watched Melissa have many transformations, including the organized businesswomen, the patient waiter, the comforter to the nervous and crying, and the dancing queen.

We do have to wear many hats. Another thing I don't think about, I just do. At Katie's wedding, we had to wait over an hour for the Venue to be unlocked. I had confirmed the time for it to be opened 3 times, and after waiting and waiting, and having contacted the owner of the facility by cell phone and emails- proves you can never be too prepared.

I did have to comfort the Bride's Daughter, she's old enough to be aware of what was going on around her, and before the ceremony I found her crying pretty uncontrollably. When I asked her what was wrong she just stared at me with these bright blue eyes and huge tears falling to the ground. She couldn't even talk. Finally she confessed that she was scarred. She was scarred of messing up. I then told her that I would be there to let her know when do walk, stop, go, where to stand, and if she messed up it was my fault. I think that made her feel better. Poor thing!

And after everyone is gone - I always take a dance with my favorite DJ :)

3. Never let anyone see you sweat, even if it is 120 degrees outside.

Holy Cow! It was Hah-ot outside!!! (I have pictures to prove it!)

4. The job of networking never ends. Melissa was working every connection that the venue had; it was very impressive!

Another thing I guess I don't even think of.... the photographer was newer to the business, and I had never worked with him before. And of course the vendors that you know and trust, you gotta chat with them!

5. Just because you pass next to a candy bar, does not mean you have to eat a piece of candy! After cake, Rice Krispie treats and candy, I was in complete sugar shock. I had a large piece of pizza on the way home!

So first and foremost, the guests never see us eat... but if you can sneak an M&M then more power to you :) But lemme tell you, there was so much sugar at this wedding! We set up the candy bar to end all candy bars, cake, Rice Krispie Treat Grooms Cake... I felt like the sugar never ended!!!

To be honest, the main thing I learned was that being a wedding consultant is not for everyone and is definitely not as easy as it seems! I know I have a lot more to learn, and I’m definitely glad to be learning from the best!

Truer words have never been spoken!

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