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Monday, June 23, 2008

What I used in the Wedding Bag!

We had a beautiful fairytale wedding this past weekend in Tampa! Laura and Jason's dreams came true, and we were blessed to be apart of it!
Here's what we used from our Wedding Bag:

Deodorant- The Jr. Bridesmaid needed some help in this department, and was so excited to see we were prepared!

Diaper Pins - The train wouldn't bustle, the French Bustle wasn't cooperating , so we improvised and pinned it, worked like a charm!

Safety Pins - Fix a rouge button and secure some cleavage.

Stain Stick - One of the bridesmaids got a little heavy handed with her dark colored beverage. Or maybe she was dancing with it??

A Black Pen- The Officiant didn't have a black pen - and you need one for the Marriage License.

Vaseline- To "lube" the rings, everyone was nervous and sweaty... when you are "nerveaty" you swell, the lube job helps things move along easier.
Bandaids - For ME! I was putting flowers in the bridemaids hair and sliced my hand pretty good. As to not get blood on the bride's dress... I had to band-aid myself up!

I love how you always need to use the same things, but in different ways... And I absolutely love being prepared!

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