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Monday, June 29, 2009

Learning Business Through Tattoos

Tattoos are seni.munir love with the art of tattoo, to make young people find this a business opportunity. Without in-realized by Munir, owner of counter tattoo 'Toxic', design and image tatonya start the tune of artists, even bule-bule a vacation to Yogyakarta. Initially, Munir was only receiving the fan in the room kosnya tattoo. Starting from the campus in ISI friend who asks for Munir menato, old run-of-mouth to mouth the name of Munir started known as penato reliable. "What they think of my tattoos, because I may be directly menato jewelry design or image to their bodies. So, like a painting, I express my work to the body of the man. The result, more original. What do I use the example image, "said Munir, students ISI Communication Design Department. Munir also always emphasized the hygiene equipment tatonya. To tattoo needle, for example, use it only once on each person. "So are guaranteed sterile. Bule people usually do not want to see him before ditato hygiene tools that. Yes the reason they are reasonable, because virus spread AIDS / HIV is also caused by the use of a needle repeatedly, "said Munir.
Munir tattoo fans because more and more, young people establish counter this tattoo around Surokarsan. With the capital savings of mentato for this. Diajaknya also some colleagues sekampus for the following business. "In its development, we have a friend out in a T-shirt shop Toxic. This even bring our ideas to make a T-shirt with the style of street fashion. In addition, not only permanent tattoo that we signed, but also tattoo temporari we serve, "said Munir. Not stop until there Munir cs business, in any event involving young people such as bazaars and performance of music, Toxic present there. In addition to stocking their memajang stand also open a small tattoo. From the results of the mentato, Munir so do not depend on the parents. All the needs of the course takes a lot of costs that it can meet. Also for day-to-day needs. Then, what about the Munir lecture? "Current-course smoothly. While we try to keep counter can even do the tasks of the campus. The main drinking water while diving. What we actually do this exercise alone. If you have started since early effort, the graduate course so we do not upset again in the middle of the community, "said Munir.apakah you want to try to open a business tattoo art?


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