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Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fun: Twitter

Though it says it was posted by me (Amanda), this post is actually written by Melissa:

This is only being posted for your enjoyment. For those of you who don’t follow me on Twitter (WeddingPlanner1) you are missing out. Back in April I hit my head pretty hard, during a site visit at an amazing hotel… well not only did it leave a nice “goose egg” it started to give me some nasty side effects so, I was forced to go to the emergency room.

My husband was concerned that there could be permanent damage. And my symptoms were getting worse, so, with me kicking and screaming he took me to the emergency room. Fortunately for you, my tweets were apparently pretty comical.

And Saundra at Planning Forever has now dubbed me Thor. (Thanks Saun!)

So back my popular demand, and to give you a chuckle this Friday, here is my play by play at the ER. And I promise you, NONE of this is made up, it’s all based on my actual 8 hour ordeal in the ER wafting room. Don’t worry I am fine now.

April 21st: (the day after I hit my head)

9:21AM- Feels like I have been run over by a Mac truck! And have one day’s worth of work to catch up on- which = a week’s worth (why is that?)

1:53PM - Is at the ER- stupid bump on the head is making me sick to my stomach. Dizzy and blurring my vision- fun times ahead!

2:24PM - Triaged- CAT scan ordered, waiting again! Isn't this fun!

3:22PM - CAT scan check! That was super fun! Now hurry up and wait again!

3:43PM - Why are ER waiting rooms so darned cold! I swear I could freeze to death in here before I see a doctor!

4:20PM - Dear lady in night gown and no shoes, why are you screaming and cursing? You are disrupting the man puking blood and can't breathe lady!

4:48PM - No shoes lady just left screaming to no one- thank you for the sh*tty medical care- fun times!

5:00PM - More fun times at the ER- tattoo all over lady decided to do stand up not so comedy for the whole waiting room- seriously where am I?

5:11PM - Is still waiting at the ER- no shoes and night gown lady is back, and bleeding prom dress girl joined the party!

6:08PM - Seriously! 6 hours in the ER waiting room- is this normal? Puking blood man, bleeding Prom dress girl, and no shoes girl and I are now BFFs!

6:23PM - Just joining the ER waiting room party- 1 ton man, missing 2 fingers man, and boy with 7 missing teeth holding a bloody napkin to his mouth!

6:26PM - A big huge ER welcome to can't breathe crying hysterical girl and black dress blue shoes lady! I swear you can't make this stuff up!

6:54PM - Dear Mom of crying hysterical not sick kid- please leave the ER waiting room, bleeding man and no shoes lady are looking at you funny!

7:14PM - ER waiting room welcoming committee welcomes crying bloody nose boy! I was thinking of faking a seizure- but God knows what is on this floor!! Ewww!

7:30PM - 
New Chinese Water torture - ER waiting room with migraine, dizzy, sick stomach. Fun times!

7:33PM - Oh yes, please kid who's not sick, keep dropping you big ass book on the floor, and your sister singing Hannah Montana, she sucks!

8:00PM - My name was called- now waiting for a doctor while sitting on a bed. 8:20PM - Official diagnosis - big ole concussion!

All THAT for some lousy drugs- and a massive headache!

Then I went home put some frozen corn on my head, and worked on the lap top… until Karry at UY Events yelled at me, and then I went to bed.

I hope you enjoyed my story… it is pretty funny looking back, I swear, I was waiting for those Candid Camera peeps to pop out from around the corner!

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