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Friday, July 10, 2009

Tips to Consider in a Tattoo for a Woman's

For some time, most tattoo patrons were men. However, times have changed and there are now various designs of tattoo for women just as there is for men. Before you do get a tattoo though, here are some things that you should think about first.

Change in Trend

Western society used to stereotype women with tattoos. Those who sported a tattoo for women designs were often thought of as having loose morals. Well, times have truly changed because tattoos for women are fast becoming acceptable. You can say that it might be because more media prominent female personalities have decided to flaunt their beautiful and sexy tattoos. If it is alright for them, then it is also alright for average women on the streets. Now, a tattoo for a woman design need not be linked to the idea of rebelliousness. At the most, it can be called sexy, unique and definitive.

When You Should Decide

Before deciding, get this straight:real tattoo for women designs are permanent and you can't just change your mind about a tattoo that you have had done. If you want a tattoo to be removed, you might have to undergo surgery. This is why it is very important to get your tattoo right the first time. This does not just mean finding a great tattoo for women artist. Even if you have the best artist, he can only do a perfect design replica of whatever you hand him. This means finding the right tattoo design in the first place is very important. Don't just decide at the spur of the moment or simply because you feel pressured or too tired to keep on searching for the perfect design. Take a lot of time and do a lot of research before you decide on a tattoo for a woman design.

Tattoo for Women

Men and women should have different tattoo designs. This isn't just a matter of gender discrimination or upholding obsolete gender stereotypes. The real difference stems from the actual differences in body shape and size and sometimes in individual personalities.

Designs for a woman client would therefore depend greatly on her personal preferences and in her unique physical attributes. Usually, tattoo for women designs are smaller than male designs and may sometimes seem more subtle or less aggressive. Designs like these would look better on the curved smaller frames of some women.

Asking Experts

If you are not an expert at tattoo for women designs, you would do better to consult an online or offline expert first before settling on a design. A tattoo expert can help you on two major aspects:

- They can tell if your design will fit your particular body shape, body part and skin color. He can also offer you some advice on top designs and popular female body parts to put tattoos on. In other words, going to an expert is like consulting a medical expert before going through a critical procedure.

Source : http://www.articlesbase.com/art-articles/tips-to-consider-in-a-tattoo-for-a-woman-312678.html

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