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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big Kid Birthday Party!

So, when one of your favorite photographers and you start chatting about a Suprise Birthday Party for her husband, who happens to be one of your favorite photographers too... what do you do?

A. Say, have fun with it... seeeee ya!
B. Can't wait to play
C. What can I do to help? Wait, no, I AM helping, you have NO choice.
If you answered C.... you are are correct {DING, DING, DING!!!!}
So, Krystal and I are off on our super fun, Operation Suprise Matt... and her idea was a big kid birthday party... so basically, all of your favorites as a kid... think, Sharks and Minnows, Dodge Ball, Water Balloons, Pinata! Yeah, the fun stuff!

Since, I am friends with Matt and Krystal, although I still helped with the organization... I got to play too! Yayy!

Check out the fun! When dealing with a bunch of photographers, and army men, beware, images can be decieving!
Dodgeball is still awesome!
Did I mention, I kicked some Shark and Minnow, youknowwhat! (Yup, you know know who you are!)
And then Matt was off to KILL the pinanta! {Warning!!! Please cover your eyes if you are under the age of 10 or are an avid Elmo Lover... youknowhoyouare!}

And lastly, what would make a big kids birthday party complete... THE CAKE!!! Strawberry Shortcake, that looks like The Original Transformers Logo!

We all had a great time, Pizza, cake, eating in the pool. And all-in-all... it was a success!
OH! And I forgot, Matt was totally suprised! For the first time EVER, Krystal suprised him! Whooo Hooo!!!

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