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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hollywood Top Breakups and Heart breakers

Hollywood Top Breakups and Heart breakers

With Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee doing the rounds in the Jesse James scandal, it's time we revisited all those ladies who've given us reams and reams of news articles to peruse through our tea break. Most do the whole 'other woman' routine with a certain amount of class unlike McGee who's had a go at Sandra Bullock, Chelsea Handler and god knows who's up next. But regardless of 'how' they do it, they come together in one thing - they break up relationships. Here's a look at the harbingers of heartbreak

Abbie Cornish

It was too darn cute i.e. the love story between Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe. They met during her 21st birthday party and she thought he was her b'day present. Awww! And they did live happily ever after till hunky-husband-who-is-yet-to-make-a-name-for-himself decided to step off the path. In comes Abbie Cornish - blonde & gorgeous. Reese's fairytale comes to an end. And good thing too. She went on to bag awesome roles and an Oscar soon after the split. Ryan Philippe was just bad chi.

Sienna Miller

In recent times, Sienna Miller was a bad vibes magnet. She effectively broke up Balthazar Getty's marriage or so we thought (the two are back). We ignored Getty who is the real culprit as he was the one who was having an 'affair.' Poor Sienna had to bear the brunt of the scandal. But now she's back with Jude Law. The two do deserve each other

Angelina Jolie

She stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston. And what a catch! But Jolie isn't the only one to blame. Pitt followed her like a lil lamb. But it worked out well for all three. Jen's more famous post-divorce. Brangelina is a huge name in tinseltown. All's well that ends well.

Oksana Grigorieva

Never before have we been glad that a mistress came along. The Russian who pretends to be a singer broke up Mel Gibson's marriage of 29 years. And are we glad! We have no idea why Robyn Denise Moore stayed so long!

Ekaterina Ivanova

The Ronnie Wood-Ekaterina stint was such a riot. A granddaddy with a teenager had our most basest instinct rooted to the spot to follow the drama. Sadly, it wasn't much. Jo Wood got a divorce and moved on while Ronnie was stuck with an insecure Ekaterina. Not a hot deal.

Divine Brown

It's surprising we have a name for Hugh Grant's 'other woman' and primarily because there are so many of them! Divine Brown got lucky cause she was seeing him when he was supposed to be seeing Elizabeth Hurley. But such is the charm of Hugh that he and Liz are still friends, and Divine's a celebrity. The man's got a big heart

Elizabeth Taylor

Yes, she was married eight times. But in between these marriages she also made the transition from mistress to wife. First, it was Richard Burton who left his wife for Liz. Then Liz left Burton for Eddie Fisher who in turn broke up his marriage to marry Liz. What a convoluted world Hollywood is.

Marilyn Monroe

She's probably the only star who stayed a mistress. She didn't break up any relationship. Her love affair with John F Kennedy and probably his brother was the talk of the town. But all that talk stopped short with her untimely death.

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