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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So it was almost 9 months ago that SWOON OVER IT, took this picture:

It still can't believe I've been a mom for almost 9 months, that's crazy, insane.

What's more insane is that it's a 'ber month... like, SeptemBER, OctoBER... that means it's Christmas, tomorrow. (okay, slight exaggeration)

I mean really, where did this year go? Hellllllllloooooooo?

So, then that brings me to this:

Yeah, um helloooooo! Where is THAT baby??? That little baby that didn't roll over, or crawl, or um, WALK! Did I mention he's almost walking?

But, serioulsy, totally cute, right?

I know, I don't update tooooo much personally on this site, but the serious-adorableness-had-to-be-shared!

Thank you to Verve Studio for their amazing artistic eye and more amazing images!!! I love you sooooo big, forever and ever and ever, big!

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