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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Surf's up for Paris Hilton

PARIS Hilton can't quite let go of her need to be the centre of attention after willingly pouting and posing for tourists who line up to take their picture with the ex-convict heiress.
Clad in a black crocheted lacy swimsuit, the not-so-shrinking violet revelled in the attention as she spent the afternoon surfing on the beach in Hawaii.

Paris has become the main attraction on the Hawaiian island of Maui after serving her time for breaking her probation for drink-driving, Hilton told American talk show host Larry King that partying 'is not going to be the mainstay of my life any more'.

But although she hasn't crossed the threshold of a club, she seems to find it hard to exist without the oxygen of celebrity.

But despite fleeing to Hawaii to enjoy a sunshine break following her 23-day prison stay - it seems Paris Hilton is destined to be the main attraction wherever she goes.

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