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Friday, February 1, 2008

We Interupt our Regularly Scheduled Blogging.

I know you all were expecting the 90s wedding today. But I have to ask you a favor. A dear friend of mine, who is an incredible photographer - Caroline Johnson. Found out on Saturday that her husband Bill has a brain tumor. And he's in surgery today (for over 13 hours). Please if you can, pray for him to get through this - pray for the surgeons hands to be fluid and move as they need to. And for the strength of the family to do what they need to do to get through this as well.

He is an incredible man, and their family is just the kind of family you want to be around. Bill was in great spirits yesterday and this morning. And that makes a world of difference for everyone - but it's a very delicate operation - the tumor is on the stem of his brain and could affect some function if not performed perfectly.

If you aren't a person to pray, just keep them in your positive thoughts. Here's a picture of Bill with their daughter Riley.

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