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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Morre o rei, nasce a lenda

Em Agosto de 1958, na cidade de Gary, Indiana, nasceu Michael Joseph Jackson.

Sua estrela brilhou por algumas primaveras, trazendo para o mundo uma chuva de sucessos e hits inconfundíveis que lhe deram o poderoso título de rei do Pop mundial.

Michael começou sua carreira aos 7 anos de idade como vocalista dos Jackson five. Ele era o mais novo do grupo. Porém, isso não o impedira de ser o mais talentoso. Logo em 1979, ele se destacaria dos demais irmãos e decolaria em carreira solo. Mas isso só veio acontecer declaradamente em 1984.

Michael, dono de uma voz fenomenal e com um balanço inconfundível, ganhou asas com o lançamento do álbum Thriller, que alcançou a marca de 50 milhões de cópias vendidas em todo mundo.

Veio o sucesso, a fama, a riqueza... O garoto agora havia se tornado um homem. Muitos dizem que o Michael continuava sendo um menino no corpo de um homem. Boatos e rumores comprovam a fragilidade do artista. “um esteriótipo” infantil, devido a traumas sofridos quando jovem, tendo como o próprio pai o responsável por toda essa insanidade. Michael dizia que seu pai o abusava sexualmente, e que muitas vezes subia para apresentar os shows logo depois de tomar uma surra daquelas, por conta de algo banal!

Em 1988, Michael comprou uma propriedade. Tal qual foi batizada de Never Land (terra do nunca), A propriedade seria aberta a visitação popular de crianças de todo mundo, pois possuía simplesmente tudo que uma criança sonhava. Desde parques com rodas gigantes até zoológicos repletos de animais exóticos...

Mas em 1993, Michael foi acusado de pedofilia e o sonho começou a virar pesadelo desde então. Por mais obras de arte que o astro Pop produzia, ('History', de 1995, e 'Blood on the Dance Floor', de 1997) os efeitos positivos eram estilhaçados nos boatos de abuso de crianças e pedofilia. Assim, esse pesadelo parecia nunca ter fim. Acusações e mais acusações se misturavam como uma avalanche na sua vida, outrora repleta de sonhos e arte. Agora dando lugar a sombras e dias frios. Agora as contas com advogados e processos, fizeram do rei do pop uma pessoa atolada em dívidas e com menos brilho no olhar. Michael não fazia mais shows, limitava-se ao grande público como sendo quase um anônimo. Suas dívidas ultrapassavam a astronômica quantia de 800 milhões de reais nos dias atuais.

Era preciso fazer acontecer novamente. Era preciso brilhar como sempre!

Assim, o astro pop divulga o “This Is It”, uma série de 50 concertos que teria início em 13 de julho de 2009 em Londres. Só para se ter uma idéia, mais de 360.000 ingressos foram vendidos em 18 horas durante a pré-venda!!!

Mas como sabemos o astro não viveria para mais essa glória. Em 25 de junho de 2009, Michael Jackson morreu após parada cárdio-respiratória. O rei do Pop morreu sozinho e pobre. E o que é pior, parecer incompreendido por todos.

Michael deixou 3 filhos, foi casado duas vezes e também era dono dos direitos autorais de todas as músicas dos Beattles.

Espero que o astro do Pop esteja bem. Que ele leve alegria e luz para todas as pessoas, sejam elas fãns ou não. Afinal, o show não pode parar!

Parabéns Michael pela sua contribuição e pelo seu desempenho como artista!

Viva a música, viva a arte, viva Michael Jackson...

Rodrigo Carvalho - Salvador

Nilton Andrade, Tomi Tattoo Studio

O tatuador paulista Nilton Andrade inicia sua participação no A Tattoo com o envio de quatro belas tatuagens e quatro folhas de séries de desenhos para tatuagem. Nilton é mais conhecido como Piqueno e com seis anos de experiência tatua no estúdio Tomi Tattoo.

Tomi Tattoo
Endereço: Av.: Imirim, 907, Sala 2, São Paulo - SP
Telefones: (11) 2239-6428 / 8212-6973
E-mail: sltattoo1@pop.com.br Orkut

Cinco tatuagens de Anésio Castanho

No final do ano passado Anésio Castanho participou do A Tattoo com o envio de cinco belos trabalhos, confira mais cinco fotos de tatuagens realizadas por Anésio.

Toolbar, now with advanced translation

If you saw this text on a webpage, how would you figure out what it means?

Если вы читаете этот текст, вы, вероятно, уже говорите по-русски. Однако миллионы людей не знают русского и не могут прочитать миллионы русскоязычных веб-страниц.*

You would likely need to translate manually via our language tools or in Toolbar. Today we're excited to announce that translations will be even easier with the newest release of Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer. We have been working with the Translate team to make translations a faster and more integrated part of your browsing experience.

The Translate feature automatically detects if the language of a webpage you're on is different from your default language setting and allows you to translate it. With one click, you can now instantly translate the page and all of its text will appear in the new language.

Language detection happens only on your computer, so no information is sent to Google until you choose to translate a page. You can find more details about how the feature works in our help center.

If you go to another page in the same language, you will continue to see translations rather than have to translate one page at a time. And if the page has dynamic content, like Google Reader, you will get translations in real-time. Finally, if you frequently translate pages in the same language, Toolbar will let you translate that language automatically without any extra clicks in the future.

The new Translate feature is available in all international versions of Toolbar, including English, and the translation service supports 41 different languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

Download Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer to try it out for yourself. We'll add this feature to Toolbar for Firefox soon, too.

* In case you don't speak Russian, we translated the paragraph above for you using our translation engine:

If you are reading this text, you probably already speak in Russian. However, millions of people do not know Russian and cannot read the millions of Russian-language webpages.

Candidate` Police Many Tattoos

Tattoos identical with the things that most civilian and negati always decorate her body with tattoos. Hundreds of civilian familiar with the area onar Bandung West police arrested, on Wednesday. They dibariskan in Bandung West mapolresta. Hundreds of local residents thought the man before akan enroll prospective students into the State Police sekolan (Save).

"How many prospective police tatonya. lagian take-take the guitar again, "commented a number of citizens.
New residents are surprised when a police notify hundreds of civilian men, that is the usual make onar and crime in the area of Bandung West. "They were not candidates for police applicants, but the civilian, Bu," said the police.

Hear the answer is, people are surprised they even told the police back to prison earlier menjebloskannya. "We think prospective police applicants. If the cells are civilian, pak! "Fate Wiwin Ny, 46, who witnessed the degree of operating results of the community.
Kapolresta Bandung West AKBP Baskoro mentioned, the operating slab Lodaya digelarnya yesterday successfully crawl the 317 civilian bertato make ulah normal on the streets in the area of law Polresta Bandung West.

They dicomot from the bus terminal Leuwipanjang, and Market Caringin Bandung. "This civilian kerjaanya mengamen, if the victim did not give money is always melukainya civilian," said Baskoro.


Traditional ArtsTattoos Nearly Extinct

Tattoos are art. Before the art of tattoo (tattoo body painting) tribes in the Mentawai Islands (about 110 km West from the direction of the coastline of West Sumatra) extinct, should be efforts to examine and mendokumentasikannya. Soalnya, the Mentawai tattoo tradition is the only contemporary art that people use. "The existence of the tribe tattoo / Mentawai people with different tattoos now (modern), which is more urban sub-Cultures, such as young people used to self gengnya. Tattoos Mentawai extraordinary and unique, meet all the body from head to foot and laden with symbols and meaning, "said Adi Rosa, a painter and art researcher jebolan postgraduate art ITB, in Padang, Senin (31 / 7). Kompas pencekan Results in Siberut, Mentawai Islands Thursday-Saturday (22-27/7), shows, youth authentic Mentawai no longer interested in tattoo culture is inherited. Habits have started to make tattoos disappear because the government banned in 1970. Only persons aged 45 years and over who bertato and about a thousand in number-two thousand (5 percent). According to Adi Rosa, now lecturer art IKIP Padang, tattoo is one of the oldest ethnic culture of Indonesia that is only found in persons (tribal) Dayak and Mentawai. For the Mentawai people, tattoo is a lasting clothing that can be taken off. Moreover, also the means of communication and social status. "I ramalkan, 10-15 years, Mentawai tattoo extinct. So from now on documentation should be made both written and visual (dibukukan), "said Adi, researchers Mentawai tattoo. He recognizes, as the tattoo body painting so terabaikan studies of fine arts of Indonesia. Evidence, in the Visual Arts Directorate of Indonesia issued the Department of Education Arts and Culture (1975) and History of Visual Arts India published books through Project Procurement Directorate of Vocational Education Secondary School Education Vocational Depdikbud (1982), there is no problem in Indonesia tattoo. From Medan, there are concerns Ahoi Malay dance traditions can vanish in the future due to the progress of the age. This raised the head of the National Program Malay Culture (PBM) XI, Dahri Uhum, in Medan, Selasa (1 / 8). In PBM XI, only five teams in the competition, the district dijuarai Labuan Batu, followed Kodya Binjai, Deli Serdang, Langkat and Medan. Ahoi dance, he said, disappeared along with the advances in technology over the embankment to the rice field. People harvest the rice, have been using the machine. In fact, this dance is done as an expression of feeling happy in welcoming the successful yield.

Tattoo Art and History

Tattoo art is used to decorate tubuh.Kata tattoo art gallery was first recorded by the West in the James Cook expedition in 1769. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, tattoo art found in the oldest Egyptian mummy from the 20th century BC. But, the sign of permanent tattoo art that is made with the entering into the dye layer of skin that is found almost throughout the world. In a note Ady Rosa, 48 years old, fine art lecturer bekasi art, of the university, West Sumatra, tatto experience Egypt in the new SM 1300. According to master pure art, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), the Mentawai people have mentattoo body art since their arrival to the West coast of Sumatra. Proto wither this nation come from the mainland asia (Indochina), the metal Zaman, 1500 BC-500SM. That means, tattoo art mentawailah of the oldest in the world. In the Mentawai, tattos experience is known by the term wounded. In addition to Egypt and the Mentawai, tatto experience also are located in Siberia (300 BC), the United Kingdom (54 BC), Haida Indian in the United States, tribes in the Eskimo, Hawaii, and Marquesas Islands. Tattoo culture is also found in the ethnic Rapa Nui Easter dikepulauan, Maori tribe in New Zealand, Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, and Sumba tribe in west sumatra. For the Mentawai people, tattos experience is the spirit of life. Tattoo art and experience The Trendy Modis Bagamat first tattoo art experience is considered a taboo and ugly tattoos places but now is considered something that modis and trendy.
Tatto Galery tai fly, Tattoos Gallery redden lips, Tatto Galery eyebrow Tattoos Gallery until the picture is painted canvas to move the entire body. In fact, the places now peminat tattoos not only on the normal or the people - people who want to fraudulent for effect. The artists are now using a lot of Tattoo Jakarta as accessories. Only a few artists such as Nafa Urbach, Riff, Jodi, Indro Warkop, and probably many more. Art tattoo Jakarta Art Gallery has some kind of flow: Natural, Oldskool, Tribal, New skool and biomechanik. Nuance of the tattoo art that places this increasingly diverse world semaraknya add galery tatto art tattoo fans and places in Jakarta does not make a direct image of the tatto places better not seen anything taboo.
To facilitate the process of tattoo gallery gained places and conditions in your health condition is stable and normal, just enough to eat and sleep free from the influence of alcohol and drugs. Tattoo galery art No More "Italic" Tattoo art is not a good place soon, is not it also strange. Now many people bertattoo But not men but women also have found many, then why they bertattoo? Wah seru kalo gak But why do you, soalnya certainly a lot of potential reasons why. Jakarta tattoo art gallery or a tattoo is now dijadiin body art painting, art have a value that is not visible from the streak images by in elegant body.
Okay next, Jakarta tattoo art seem closer to the element of criminal, kunaon Nyak? Clear tattoo gallery places is one way of millions of ways to ungkapkan self-expression and show the public the road looking for attention or fun time. Personal satisfaction is always the reason, simply cuek, fraudulent or simply does aja, gue often from the people who have mentattoo body. With all the reasons that will certainly be on all the satisfaction that comes from within, soalnya gak someone may be willing mentattoo (permanent) But if for fraudulent or nyoba-nyoba except that jackass? Untung or does not have any tattoo seseoarang back to the person, if he said that people bertattoo difficult to get a job, who says? But emang bener sih, lho but not one that I can work only one evidence that Tora Sudiro tattooan also tajir gitu. In addition, tattoo art gallery is also not a problem apparently so. Evidence if there is someone who does not yet bertattoo the people around right? Unless we bertattoo because he became ill - sickly, difficult to sleep well that may be new in larang.Apakah Pingin you have a tattoo?


Celebrating Gay Pride 2009

All around Google, we're proud of our work, our culture and, most importantly, our people. In the spirit of celebration, this spring and summer Googlers have participated in Pride celebrations in Tel Aviv, New York, Zürich, San Francisco and many other cities around the world. Pride is a time for the LGBT* community along with families, friends and supporters to stand up for equality, and to honor those who paved the way for us to express sexual orientation and gender identity openly.

In the U.S., this year's celebration is historically important: it's the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City, a response to what was then routine police harassment of LGBT people. Some 75 Googlers, family members and friends marched with several hundred members of New York's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. Hundreds of Googlers also joined other U.S. celebrations in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Earlier this month, around 50 Googlers and friends gathered to celebrate at Europride, Europe's best-known Gay Pride celebration. This year it was in Zürich, Switzerland. After weeks of sunshine, on the morning of the parade it began to storm, but that didn't deter our intrepid Googlers from being out at 6:30am turning a 28-ton truck into a rainbow-colored nightclub on wheels. Hundreds of nuts, bolts and gallons of helium later, the truck was transformed, the sun came out and we were ready to march through the city streets, cheered on by a crowd of 50,000.

Google is a company that supports its LGBT employees, taking a public stand on issues that are important to our community. This is not the first year that Google has supported Pride, and it will certainly not be the last. We hope you enjoy this photo album of our global celebrations.

*LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered people and is also intended to include people who identify as queer, asexual or intersexed, amongst others.

Mau Lihat Gambar Atau ………. ?????

Google heads to grade school: New resources for K-12 teachers and students

We use the Internet all the time: at home, at work (especially at Google!), on the move, and, increasingly, at school. We believe that the Internet and cloud-based tools are a key part of a 21st century classroom, helping students learn and teachers teach in collaborative and innovative ways. Students use Google Docs to work on group projects; classrooms use Google Sites to show off their work; and teachers use Forms in Google Docs for instant grading and Google Calendar for lesson planning. Google Apps Education Edition is helping schools build online communities for students, teachers and parents, and we now have 4 million students using Google Apps Education around the world.

This week the Google Apps Education team is launching a few new ways to make it easier for K-12 schools to use Google Apps, and attending the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) in Washington D.C. To help address schools' email security needs, Google Message Security (GMS) will be offered free to current and new eligible primary and secondary schools globally that opt in by July of next year. GMS filters out email messaging threats, and education IT departments can customize the filtering rules and group messaging lists to suit their schools. We're also launching the Google Apps Education Community site for educators and students to share tips and ideas for using Google Apps in their classrooms, as well as the Search Education Curriculum and a Google Apps Education resource center with more than 20 classroom-ready lesson plans for teachers. We'll be adding more to these resources going forward.

If you're at NECC this year, come visit the Google team in booth #3148. If not, the teaching and learning continues with some cool presentations and lesson plans on the Google Apps Education Community site, or you can learn more at google.com/a/edu.

Jubail Celebrates the Midnight Mile

I met Jubail on the corner of 34th and 6th Avenue, and he shared this awesome tattoo:

"Midnight Mile" is a song by Bouncing Souls, and it reminds him of coming home to New York City.

Jubail, who has "nine or ten" tattoos, was a student at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.

He was about to earn his commission as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army when I spoke with him, and he knows he can rely on his tattoo to help him remind him of home here in New York.

He also has the Bouncing Souls logo on the inner part of the elbow, also known as the "ditch," which is one of the most painful places to get tattooed.

Jubail credits his ink to Saka at Tat-Nice Tattoos in Huntington, WV.

Thanks to Jubail for sharing his Bouncing Souls tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

And here's a little "Midnight Mile" bonus:

Inspiration Board: Orange Citrus

Creating this board made me realize just how many shades of orange there are and how difficult of a color it is. You see, in searching for it online when you type "orange" you have both the words "orange" as in the color orange and "orange" as in the citrus, which, conveniently is also orange. Phew. 

Anyway, I realized how versatile a color orange really can be. Mix it with dark colors like browns and burgundies and you have a rich warm Fall palette. Mix it with bright hues like hot pink or kelly green and you have a very poppy bright Summer palette. Or, do as I did here and mix it with soft whites and creams to create a subdued look and orange will stand all on it's own.

What do you think?

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