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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rachel's Roses

I spotted these beautiful roses last week outside of Madison Square Garden, and had to find out more about them.

I introduced myself to Rachel with my standard opening line, "Can I ask you about your tattoo?" Rachel admitted to me that the first impression she had was that I was going to try to sell her on a tattoo-removal product or service. She has not been the first person to think that. Perhaps I need a new intro.

Anyway, Rachel's trio of roses are remarkable, and she has 6 or 7 tattoos in all, many of which are roses as well, although she professed an admiration of Betty Boop, and has one of the comics icon as well.

But all I saw were these three roses, inked by Shannon O'Sullivan at a tattoo convention. Rachel's brother worked for a bit at Skin & Ink magazine, which helped introduce her to some folks in the tattoo community.

Rachel explained her rosy infatuation a bit further, noting she had worked for the designer Betsey Johnson, who used a lot of rose prints and rose-inspired design. She acknowledged that this led to her "obsession" with roses, and that beyond that, they do not have "a deep meaning".

Rachel is a designer whose website highlights her work.

Thanks to Rachel for sharing her beautiful tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

2001: A search odyssey

Now that we're a decade old, we figured we're long overdue for some spring cleaning. We started digging around our basement and found all kinds of junk: old Swedish fish, pigeon poop, Klingon translation books. Amazingly enough, hidden in a corner beneath Larry's and Sergey's original lab coats, we found a vintage search index in mint condition. We dusted it off and took it for a spin, gobsmacked to see how different the web was in early 2001. "iPod" did not refer to a music player, "youtube" was nonsense, and if you were looking for "Michael Phelps," chances are you meant the scientist, not the swimmer. "Wikipedia" was brand new. Remember "hanging chads"? (And speaking of that election-specific reference -- if you're a U.S. citizen, it's not too late: please register to vote.)

We had so much fun searching that we wanted to put this old index online for everyone to play with. We thought it'd be even cooler if we could actually see the full versions of the old web pages, so we worked with the Internet Archive to link to their cache of these pages from 2001. Step into the time machine and try a 2001 Google search.

For more information on this search, please read our FAQ.

Julia Stegner

Una de la 5 super modelos más destacadas de los últimos años. Cabello rubio, ojos verdes y 1.81 mts de estatura son los atributos físicos que llevan a Julia Spencer a ser la próxima Claudia Shiffer.
Julia Stegner es alemana (nacida en Munich) a sus 24 años tiempo por delante si que le queda para alcanzar la fama de su compatriota.
Les dejo una galería de sus mejores fotos.

Shweta Tiwari Exposed

Shweta Tiwari
HOT and SIZZLING TV babes PRERNA is Shweta Tiwari...

Shweta Tiwari

Shweta Tiwari

Shweta Tiwari

Shweta Tiwari

Shweta Tiwari

Your YouTube video: Hot or Not?

YouTube Insight has helped millions of you learn more about your YouTube videos and figure out when, where, and why your videos are popular. But what if you could learn not just which of your videos are hot on the site, but which specific parts of those videos are hotter than others? What if you could know exactly when viewers tend to leave your videos, or which scenes within a video they watch again and again?

This information is now available to all YouTube video uploaders with an innovative new feature for Insight called "Hot Spots." The Hot Spots tab in Insight plays your video alongside a graph that shows the ups-and-downs of viewership at different moments within the video. We determine "hot" and "cold" spots by comparing your video's abandonment rate at that moment to other videos on YouTube of the same length, and incorporating data about rewinds and fast-forwards. So what does that mean? Well, when the graph goes up, your video is hot: few viewers are leaving, and many are even rewinding on the control bar to see that sequence again. When the graph goes down, your content's gone cold: many viewers are moving to another part of the video or leaving the video entirely.

Here's an example of Hot Spots in action:

You can see that many viewers are not impressed with the dance moves of Michael Rucker, Associate Product Marketing Manager at YouTube; they're leaving the video at a faster than average rate almost immediately after the video begins. But the longer the video goes on, the more people tend to stay, generating a hot spot at the end of the video. Better late than never -- kudos, Rucker!

We think you'll find Hot Spots useful in several ways. For example, users can figure out which scenes in their videos are the "hottest" and edit those videos, or include well-timed annotations, to keep their audience more engaged. Partners might similarly create better content -- like more exciting promotional trailers -- for use on and off YouTube, and advertisers and agencies can study the effectiveness of their creative, to make sure they keep viewers' attention throughout an ad. Now that Insight shows what parts of videos viewers are watching and skipping, creators no longer have to play guessing games. YouTube, the world's largest focus group, provides them with answers. You can find this new feature under the "Hot Spots" tab within the Insight Dashboard.

As with all of Insight's features, we learn about the most creative examples from you. We can't wait to see what you come up with next.

The ONE News YouTube Election Debate in New Zealand

Over the course of the long U.S. Presidential election campaign, millions of people have checked out the candidates' YouTube Channels on our You Choose '08 platform, and communicated directly with all those running for President. Thousands more submitted questions for candidates in the CNN/YouTube debates, participated in our You Choose '08 Spotlight, or made videos for the Democratic and Republican conventions. Outside the U.S., YouTube has also become an important part of leveling the political playing field. A couple of weeks ago, for instance, the 2008 New Zealand general elections were called, with Kiwis going to the polls in early November.

Now, we're thrilled to announce the ONE News YouTube Election Debate between Helen Clark and John Key, a history-making initiative with New Zealand's public broadcaster, TVNZ. This marks the first time the head of a national government and a challenger will face YouTube video questions in an official live TV debate. The debate will be broadcast live on TV ONE on October 14.

If you're a Kiwi, head on over to the YouTube New Zealand blog for details on how to submit your own questions.

Posted by Steve Grove, YouTube News & Politics

Ilustração de mulher completamente tatuada com temas orientais

O quadro Tattoo Arte tem como objetivo divulgar as mais variadas artes que usam a tatuagem como tema.

Por aqui, já passaram quadros, desenhos, ilustrações digitais, vídeos, esculturas, montagens, anúncios publicitários, entre outras obras de arte envolvendo a tatuagem.

Segue abaixo, a ilustração de uma mulher completamente tatuada com temas orientais como: flores, Hannia, dragões e caveiras.

Carpa vermelha

Devido ao sucesso do post sobre o significado das carpas e as solicitações de novas imagens de carpas, resolvemos publicar esta carpa encontrada na Internet. Como na postagem anterior, trata-se de uma carpa vermelha, também acompanhada de uma Flor de Lótus e subindo o rio.

Carpa vermelha com Flor de Lótus
Carpa vermelha com Flor de Lótus

Kenapa Bulutangkis Tidak Menjadi Cabang Olahraga Yang Populer Di Mata Dunia ???

Cabang olahraga bulutangkis yang merupakan cabang olahraga kebanggaan kita , rencananya akan ditiadakan di olimpiade 2016. Sedih banget gue dengarnya , padahal sejak dimasukannya bulutangkis kedalam agenda olimpiade , cabang ini selalu menjadi penyumbang medali emas bagi kita. Bagaimana nasib Indonesia di olimpiade 2016 ? Entahlah . Yang jelas mulai sekarang kita harus lebih serius dalam pembinaan dan penyelenggaan event di cabang ini. Kita harus bisa membuat cabang ini populer dan disukai oleh dunia internasional. Bagaimana caranya ? Bikin terobosan baru dalam mengemas penyelenggaraan event di cabang ini. Terobasan macam apa ? Jawabnya gampang : WANITA

Pasti loe bingung kenapa jawabnya cuma wanita ? Ya kan ?
Nah coba loe perhatikan cabang olahraga apa saja yang paling populer di jagat raya ini ?
1. Sepakbola
2. Basket Ball
3. American Football
4. Boxing ( tinju )
5. Hokey Es
6. Tennis Lapangan
7. Balap
8. Volley Pantai

Kenapa cabang-cabang itu bisa begitu populer ? Karena mereka melibatkan wanita dalam setiap event penyelenggaraannya. So daya tarik yang diberikan jadi double. Maksudnya ? Pertama pertandingannya , kedua sisi hiburannya . Ngga percaya ? Loe boleh lihat gambar-gambar dibawah ini, bagaimana wanita dapat membuat suatu event menjadi semarak dan menarik untuk di tonton.

1. Kita mulai dari sepakbola.
Dengan banyaknya penonton wanita yang cantik dan sexy membuat cabang ini begitu populer di dunia. Loe lihat cantik dan sexynya mereka , gue rasa loe juga pasti ngga mau nonton sepakbola lagi di rumah kalau penonton wanitanya seperti dibawah ini .

2. Basket

Nah kalau di basket siapa yang ngga kenal dengan kata cheerleaders ? Dalam setiap penyelenggaan dimanapun dalam olah raga ini pasti ada cheerleadersnya. Berarti cheerleaders bukan lagi suatu atribut tambahan melainkan sudah termasuk dalam satu kesatuan paket event penyelenggaraan di cabang ini.

Serukan kalau ada cheerleaders ???

3. American Football

Ngga jauh beda dengan basket , cheerleaders di cabang ini juga merupakan paket wajib disetiap event penyelenggaraan . American Football tanpa cheerleaders ? Wah ibarat sayur tanpa garam.

4. Tinju

Kalau di tinju apalagi yang ditunggu orang kalau ngga ring girls nya. Ya kan ? Gue aja sering sebel kalau lagi nonton siaran langsung lewat TV ketika giliran ring girls nya baru mau masuk ring eeehhh langsung dipotong ama iklan. Gondok gue. Loe juga khan ?
Dan di cabang ini ring girls juga susah dipisahkan dari penyelenggaraan event tinju. Setiap ada penyelenggaraan event tinju pasti ada ring girlsnya . Benar-benar satu kesatuan kan ? Ngga ada ring girls ? Berarti bukan tinju tapi berantem.

5. Hokey Es

Idem dengan basket dan American football mereka menyuguhkan cheerleaders sebagai daya tarik dalam olah raga ini.

6. Tennis

Di tennis juga ada wanita yang dilibatkan yaitu ball girls. Mungkin mereka agak tenggelam karena para atlet tennisnya jauh lebih mentereng ketenarannya. Rata-rata pemain tennis sekarang muda-muda ,cantik dan sexy serta berani berpose sexy di beberapa majalah.Dan pakaian untuk tanding merekapun di design sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi trend fashion tersendiri dan membuat dunia tennis benar-benar hidup.

Anna Kournikova . Ada yang ngga kenal ?

Atau Maria Sharapova

Ana Ivanovic

Sania Mirza

Dan banyak lagi atlet tennis wanita yang cantik dan sexy yang membuat olahraga ini menjadi begitu populer dan dinanti banyak orang. Sehingga para atletnya lebih mirip celebrities daripada seorang atlet.

7. Balap

Di arena balap ? Wow apalagi kalau ngga race girls and umbrella girlsnya. Di setiap event balap di seluruh dunia pasti ada mereka.

8. Volley Pantai

Cabang olahraga yang boleh dikatakan baru seumur jagung udah bisa mengalahkan kepopuleran cabang-cabang olahraga lain seperti beladiri,bulutangkis, dll . Selain pakaiannya yang udah sexy ditambah pula dengan suguhan cheerleaders sexy lengkaplah paket di cabang ini dan membuatnya melejit dan lebih populer di banding cabang-cabang yang lebih senior.

Gimana menurut loe ? Setuju dengan analisa gue ? Bahwa wanita emang punya magis yang sangat kuat untuk dapat menggoyangkan lutut semua pria.

Nah sekarang bandingkan dengan bulutangkis kita. Dari zaman Rudy Hartono sampai sekarang ngga ada perubahan dalam penyelenggaraan event ini. Belum lagi model pakaiannya dari dulu itu-itu melulu ngga ada perubahan yang signifikan. Paling yang berubah warnanya doang. So kenapa kita ngga mencoba keberhasilan cabang olahraga populer diatas, dan mengemas suatu event pertandingan bulutangkis dengan paket yang menarik ? Tapi gue rasa ngga bakalan bisa , karena sekarang ada UU Pornoaksi dan Pornografi , pasti nanti bakalan dicekal dan dituduh pornoaksi. Wahhhhh caaaapeeeeeee deh . Indonesia ......Indonesiaku yang malang.

Tapi ini sekedar pandangan gue, gimana menurut loe ? Apakah akan berhasil mempopulerkan cabang bulutangkis ini kalau dikemas seperti foto-foto diatas ?????????