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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bake a Cake! II

WOW! Was this a process, but it's so nice to have friends in the business, Kathy from KB, helped me so much, with advice and teaching me to make the bugs, loaning me supplies... her time... really a God Send!!! So I documented the process. A Month long Process....

Supplies - rods to make sure the top layer doesn't collapse into the bottom layer:

Beating the Oreo's for the Frosting:

Oreo Cookies and Cream Frosting:
Harrison had requested, Chocolate Cake on the Bottom and Vanilla Cake on the Top - So I made Chocolate Fudge Butter Cake, and Bourbon Vanilla Butter Cake with Oreo Cookies and Cream Filling.
My husband handling the manual labor, aka using the big boy tools!
The cakes with the crumb coat - now they rest in the fridge...
More on my Crazy Cake Adventures tomorrow!

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