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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Word about Blogging

I was talking recently with someone and mentioned my sister's beautiful daughters (aka my nieces, aka The Girls) and then she said "Oh, yeah, I've met them, well not really, I met them on your blog!"

{Peyton all smiles and her dolly}

{Sydney and her purse - with her fake cheesy smile "Say Cheese!"}

That got me thinking, it sure feels like we've met the people that we read about, I can't tell you how many fellow bloggers I've emailed, talked on the phone with, met in person, and we just chat like we've know each other for years and years.

That's the beauty of blogging, right? It's a way to get to know a person or business, see the work they are doing, gather idea's, find likeminded people.

I didn't realize the beauty of blogging until I started blogging. I love sharing my clients, their weddings, wedding tips and a few of the things going on in my life. The world of blogging, is just that, a whole new world.

If your new to reading this blog, Welcome to our little world, take a moment and visit our other blogs, here and here, then please visit some of our friends, their links are on the right side of the screen!

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